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07-Feb-2007 Well, small update, but an update. Yesterday marked the Unforgiven's 3rd site anniversary, I've been dolling and maintaining this site for three years now... Wow. It's been a great three years and I want to thank all my friends and site inspirations for keeping me here for three years. I will have an anniversary gift for all my visitors, working on one now, but the one I've got done is only for my friends and inspires. I have one gorgeous contest entry to upload also. Contest Plug! That's it for now. ~Steph Music: Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs: Wooly Bully ~..~..~..~..~ 28-Jan-2007 Okay, so I'm a fluffing idiot, I forgot to put down the contest e-mail! Which is fine for those of you who know my e-mail addy, but it's not so great for anyone else, and considering that my site e-mail is buried on my about page with half the rest of the universe, I figured I need to fix that. So, it's now in the appropriate place on the contest page. I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll do with it. ~Steph Music: The Used: Blue and Yellow ~..~..~..~..~ 27-Jan-2007 You knew it was too good to be true, me updating regularly. I have four new dolls, and none of them are adoptable. Sorry. I'm trying to get to doing adoptable stuff, inspiration is just not with me at the moment. *sigh* Anyway, one doll in Flights of Fantasy, one doll in Reflection Pool, one gift given under birthdays, and one doll in Descent into Darkness, my contest example. Yes, I have finally started a new contest! It's only been two and a half years. >_<' ![]() Unbeing dead isn't being alive. Anyway that's it for me, hopefully I'll stop being so damn lazy. ~Steph Music: Hinder: Better than Me ~..~..~..~..~ 04-Jan-2007 HFS! Steph, Updating two days in a row! With adoptable content no less! *le gasp* And a contest entry. *Checks for Kevin, Lost Bunny of the Apocalypse* I have a new doll in Reflection Pool. (Of my brother, but adopt away) and a contest entry in Descent into Darkness. Also have the redone version of my Bright Lights base that's been kicking around my harddrive for six months that I've never released cause I didn't like the girl's face. At this point it's as good as it's going to get and I'm releasing it for you. That's about it. Contest still being planned ~Steph Music: Gene Chandler: Duke of Earl ~..~..~..~..~ 03-Jan-2007 I am so bad. I got lost in the holiday shuffle and I didn't update for over two months! I'm so sorry. And worse yet, I don't even have any new dolls. Well not the adoptable sort. Everything I've done since October was a gift. >_<' I have plans though. And now that I'm done with the whole holiday mess, I should be able to make them reality. I do have a huge update in my seasonal gifts section, specifically Winter 2006. And a very late gifty from Juleah in Autumn 2006. Oh yeah, and you might have noticed the new layout. 2006 was my year of the fangirl. >_<' I like it though. Yes, it is green, but I decided not to futz with it after it moved into being green. Hopefully it looks good. *grins* I am finally in the planning stage for a contest, my second ever! That navigation space that's empty cause I'm a maroon ought to sport interesting stuff when I get off my lazy and find interesting stuff for you to see. There are also new link banners, in case you like to change them. *cough like me cough* And Thank you for Five Thousand visitors!! I so appreciate it!! ~Steph Music: Incubus: Warning ~..~..~..~..~ 28-Oct-2006 Okay, what've I got? Absolutely nothing adoptable, sorry. >_<' Two versions of a doll in Through the Looking Glass, a new avatar, two new digital paintings, the pumpkin I carved for LG, and my trick or treat door, plus an isometric room in Down the Dark Hall, quite a few gifts to and from me under seasonal gifts> Autumn 2006 and a new collab on my collabs page buried under gifts given. I also have a gorgeousnew gift from Pink on my gifts recieved page. That's about it, but I only have one more LG challenge to get done before Halloween on Tuesday and then I can do some adoptable stuff. ~Steph Music: Herman's Hermits: A Kind of Hush ~..~..~..~..~ 16-Oct-2006 Well, not too bad considering how long I've gone between updates. Three weeks. Let's see what've I got? Four dolls in Descent into Darkness (More musies) and a random pixeled doll. Four Non-Adoptable dolls in Reflection Pool, Two just cause gifts from me. A gift from Juleah to me, A pretty Autumn gift from Bexy. Oh and Bases! I actually have four new Jimmy poses, and two Jimmy/Liz couples. (Okay a Jimmy/Liz threesome and a Liz couple but whatever) and am caught up on Lizs! And I have more Jimmys in the works. *grins* Once I get Halloween gifties done I might actually do some dolling that's, you know, adoptable. And I have a very messy but open Art section in Down the Dark Hall. Not much there, there'll be more later. Oh, I also have some new Link banners to match this layout. ~Steph Music: Gary Puckett and the Union Gap: Young Girl ~..~..~..~..~ 27-Sep-2006 An update and it hasn't even been a week, *gaspage* Four new dolls in descent into darkness, my muses, two dolls of my muse of bad thoughts, Luke, one of my site muse Caiti, one of my dolling muse Mandy. I might make a scene out of them. It could be fun. *wink* Still working on the tutorials. Other than than that nothing much out of me. ~Steph Music: Snow Patrol: Chasing Cars ~..~..~..~..~ 23-Sep-2006 Let's face it, someone here is just damn lazy. >_<' Any guesses who that might be? I haven't been updating because I honestly haven't had a lot to update. My muses all run away during the summer. Plus we bought a house and moved and bleh. I also got a new kitten and it's difficult to doll with the kitty wrapped around your ankles. But my dolling muse, Mandy, seems to have come back so hopefully I'll get more done now. Let's see, New layout of course! James Dean *melts into happy puddle* On the doll front, got a doll of Molly Ringwald as Samantha Baker in the Reflection Pool, a sort of formally doll in the Ladies' Bower, you'll be seeing more of her, I'm writing a tutorial on her. A very hot doll of my writing muse Aarick in Descent into Darkness and an unadoptable avatar and signature of me circa 1995. *eek* We're doing Nostalgia at LG. I also have three very nice gifts two from Juleah and one from Laurie. Loves yas! Two gifts from me under just cause, one to Pink, one to Laurie. A collab from me and Juleah to LG. You'll also notice there's a new (yet not formally open) section under the art section. Down the Dark Hall will be my place for my digital art like MSN avatars and the wallpapers and such I make. There is also three pending tutorials under the tutorial section, I'm still writing them and wanted to get this done so it's out of the way. I talk way too much, anyway, enjoy! ~Steph Music: Elvis Presley: Little Sister ~..~..~..~..~ 18-Jun-2006 Well I had a wonderful birthday thanks to all my friends at LG! I got so much stuff I had to make a second summer page for it. *grins* I've not got an overload of dolls, but I do have Harry, Ron, and a Hogwarts OC in the Reflection Pool. A "fantasy Steph" in through the looking glass. An LG challenge doll in Flights of Fantasy. Some shop orders on my shop orders page. That's it I think. >_<' ~Steph Music: Goo Goo Dolls: Stay With You ~..~..~..~..~ 02-Jun-2006 Well finally an update. Let's see, I redid my sister gift for Loopy, that's on her sister page. I did two new dolls on my Pen and Sword page, a gift for Juleah and my very first base set!! Actually it's a two part set, and a collaboration with my dear sister Juleah with whom I seem to do most of my best work. A "my" set of realistic male bases in four poses and two skintones, and also "her" set of complimentary female bases. I do so hope you enjoy Liz and Jimmy. ~Steph Music: Sarah McLachlan: Hold On ~..~..~..~..~ 18-May-2006 Okay, so I'm a bit lazy on occasion... But I've had so major problems with my computer in between the last update and now! Of course new layout. Yes, damn it, I am a fangirl and no I won't apologize for it. :-P I love the color scheme, not to mention melting into a big huge puddle of Steph cause it's got my favorite cannibal, serial murdering hobbit... *fans self* It's not actually green, cause someone commented on that, it's actually desaturated yellow, there's a difference. It still looks pretty kick-ass I think. Several dolls in Flights of Fantasy, dolls in Forbidden Embraces, new self portrait, a new base in the stillroom, a new gift around. Updated my sister page for Maria cause she's back! Other than that nothing much all. I've mostly been fighting with my computer. ~Steph Music: Jimmy Eat World: If You Don't, Don't ~..~..~..~..~ 28-Apr-2006 I finally finished my pixel-task! Thank god. I can go back to dolling how I wish now. There's five new dolls on the Pen and the Sword, plus everyone together as a group. ^_^' There's a new couple doll on Forbidden Embraces. Two redone bases: Santa Monica and Last Dance in the Stillroom. Some Easter Loot to and from on my seasonal Spring pages and a very awesome gift from Juleah for judging her contest on my gifts recieved page. I have an "article" I wrote about my findings during my pixel project, You can find it -->here<-- This is just my opinion and my views, don't kill me. I'm not trying to be snarky and bitchy, just trying to put forth my feelings on the subject. You might check it out if you wanna examine the sickness of my head. ~Steph Music: Poison: Fallen Angel ~..~..~..~..~ 09-Apr-2006 Two updates in a row. *Gaspage!* No I haven't lost my mind and no, don't get used to it. I just wanted to get my hair tutorial put up for Juleah. I have the doll from the tutorial in the Lady's Bower and another November Rain character on the Pen and the Sword. ~Steph Music: Del Shannon: Runaway ~..~..~..~..~ 08-Apr-2006 The problem with only dolling gifts, collabs, and character dolls is it just seems like too much work for a small update, but the stupid thing is it doesn't get any smaller by waiting for a lot of stuff. >_<' Anyway, My muse is being pesky, throwing lots of story inspire my way, but relatively little dolling inspire to me. I've got several new dolls on my finally got around to reconstructing The Pen and The Sword page. They're all adoptable, just e-mail/tag me before you adopt, cause they're my original characters I like to know where they're headed out to. Few gifts on the seasonal spring page, both to me and from me to Last Gate. And a Birthday Gift for Morgie on my birthday gifts given page. ~Steph Music: Elvis Presley: Return to Sender (For you, Naomi! *wink*) ~..~..~..~..~ 15-Mar-2006 An update simply cause I had to show something I got off! Chris made me a new asking giftie! I absolutely adore it. And this is after I've slacked off and missed her damn birthday. >_<' ~Steph Music: Chuck Berry: Roll Over Beethoven (Played loud!!) ~..~..~..~..~ 08-Mar-2006 Well oops... I hadn't actually intended to go this long without updating--nor did I really plan on having a new layout so soon either. First I just didn't feel like updating because of a small inspiration slump. Then... *sigh* my comp ate itself, and I find it very difficult to pick up an old layout after a reformat, I never seem to have what I need to update it anymore. >_<' So, new layout is needed: inspiration = 0. >_<' Yeah. I can hear the peanut gallery now, what exactly is this layout supposed to mean? That's kind of up to you, all my art is interpretive, I know what it means to me and :-P No I'm not going to tell you. And of course there's what happened, pink? Flowers? Steph? Brings to mind Alien abductions doesn't it? I just wanted something different, something outside the box of what everyone seems to think I am, so yes, pink, flowers, and Harry and Draco. :-P ~Steph Music: the Drifters: This Magic Moment |